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Private Cloud & Data Centers

Solidifying and strengthening your IT infrastructure requires top-of-the-range data centers. Finding the space to house your company’s most important data is crucial. Fortunately, Defensive can help.

Colocation and Data Center Solutions


As an industry-leading data center sourcing and procurement company, we represent every major center. Our procurement solutions operate domestically and reach a global scale. No matter the size, scope, or area of your needs, we can help. Moreover, our team consists of in-house data centers and private and hybrid cloud experts to support every colocation need.

  • Consulting, Sourcing, and Procurement
  • High-Density Data Centers
  • Cloud Connectivity
  • Disaster Recovery Facilities
  • Data Center Tax Abatements

Our Solutions

Our data center solutions are simple.

  • Half-cabinet to multi-megawatt deployments
  • Low to high power and cooling density
  • SLA and compliance expertise
  • Data center tax abatements

Contact our team today to discover how we can service your data center needs.

Important Colocation Considerations

If you’re looking for a new data center, look no further. We help source and procure suitable data center space for your business needs. We’ll analyze vital qualitative and quantitive factors to help you decide where to co-locate. Trust Defensive to look after all your colocation needs.

When choosing a secure colocation provider, you should think about the following specifications for your business:

  • Reliability and scalability
  • Network connectivity and carrier diversity
  • Compliance
  • Security
  • Power and cooling
  • Unparalleled support

Defensive’s colocation solutions put you first. With unmatched reliability, security, and agile power, we can help you scale as needed.

Data Center Features

At Defensive, we have a robust ecosystem of world-class data center operators at your disposal. With more than 1,200 networks, enterprises, and business partners, we can connect your data centers via direct cross-connects, peering, or ethernet services.

Expansive Wholesale Connectivity Options

We offer a range of connectivity options at competitive prices that ensure security and reliability.

Global Network Reach

With data centers across the world, you can operate on a global scale and grow your business.

Public Cloud and SaaS Connectivity

Cost-effective and secure cloud connectivity to improve production and efficiency.

High-Density Computing

Lower costs and greater efficiency with high-density data centers.

Low Natural Disaster Regions

Data centers across the globe reduce downtime in times of natural disasters.

Green and Renewable Energy Options

Paving the way for the future with environmentally friendly energy options.

Fully Redundant Power and HVAC facilities

Minimal downtime with fault-tolerant infrastructure.

Data Center Features

Featured Private Cloud and Data Centers Partners


A Few of the Amazing Data Centers We Partner With

Why Defensive Networks?

Defensive is a Next Generation Solution Provider for a Cloud-First World. We exist to take the guesswork out of Cybersecurity and Information Technology procurement and adoption.

Defensive of your Brand.

We are trusted by leading enterprises around the globe.​

Defensive of your People.​

Let’s create harmony between Infosec, IT, Executives, End Users, and Finance.​

Defensive of your Time.

We’re straight to the point with technologies and strategies that work.

Defensive of your Budget.

Eliminate wasted expenditure and maximize the value of every dollar.


87 of the Fortune 1000
Over 1,400+ small, medium and large enterprises.

As Seen In


Additional Areas of Expertise

Private Cloud and Data Centers
